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We end our practice much like we began - with a softening attention to the breath. Closing with the breath helps us to carry our practice off of our mat and into the rest of the day.

Sit comfortably, placing your hands at heart center. Let each breath come naturally, without trying to control it. Feel each breath enter and exit the body. Observe the any changes you feel after the practice.

If you have worked with an intention, bring the intention back into your mind for several breaths before letting it go.

You may choose to silently say a closing prayer such as the following:

May this practice help me at home and at work and may it be helpful for others, too.


May I be open.

May I be free from fear and from harm.

May I be content just as I am.

May I trust what is to come.

When you are ready, gently open the eyes, release the hands and enjoy the fruits of your practice.